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Water in Basement/Crawl Space
Water pooling near the base of your home and entering the basement or crawl space.
Downspout Runoff
Downspout draining rainwater directly to the base of your home, potentially causing basement or crawl space flooding and foundation damage.
Water in yard
Water pooling in yard, creating muddy areas and potentially attracting mosquitoes and killing grass.
Water on patio
Water pooling on patio or pool deck, potentially causing moss or mildew growth, concrete staining, and dangerous slip hazards.
Water on Driveway and Walkway
Water pooling on walkway, potentially causing moss or mildew growth, concrete staining, and slip hazards.
Water in Planter Area
Water pooling in planter areas next to your home, potentially creating muddy areas and causing damage to your foundation
Neighbor Runoff
Water pooling in yard, creating muddy areas and potentially attracting mosquitoes and killing grass.